How technology improves our quality of life


When Marty McFly and Doc travel to 2015 in Back to the Future II, they encounter technological advances that were unimaginable at that time: the hoverboard, flying cars, video conferencing, smart clothing or glasses with which to answer calls. In theory, little things that would make people’s lives better according to the film’s scriptwriters.

And although they didn’t get everything right, we can see some details of the progress we have made in the last half century. We live in a digital age where technology has disrupted practically every aspect of our daily lives, transforming our way of communicating, working, learning, and enjoying free time. This technological revolution has left a great mark on all of us and has proven to be a very important tool for the development of society. But how has technology and the quality of life improved in recent years?

Technological advances in recent years in different areas

In recent decades, we have witnessed a technological revolution that has profoundly impacted how we live, work and relate to the world around us. Technology is here to stay and has proven to be an immovable tool to improve our quality of life. We have found ways to make our daily tasks easier and have made advances in medicine that have saved thousands of lives. These are some of the changes in the most important areas of our daily lives.

Communication and connectivity

Although it was being worked on for years, 1982 is considered the year the Internet was born. At the time people didn’t know it but this tool would transform the way we communicate and connect with other people around the world. Social networks, instant messaging applications and video calls allow us to stay in touch with friends and family, regardless of distance. We are no longer limited by geographic borders, which gives us the opportunity to experience new cultures, ideas and perspectives.

Education and information

Thanks to technological advances, access to information and education has increased considerably. The Internet has put an immense amount of knowledge at our fingertips, allowing us to learn about any topic that interests us. From the increase in schools to online educational platforms and virtual courses that facilitate the learning process and open educational opportunities for people at all stages of life. Even people who in their youth were not able to have a complete education, there are now multiple options adapted to them to help them increase their knowledge.

Health & Wellness

In the field of health, technology has had a revolutionary impact. Improvements in research have led to the discovery of treatments and tools that improve our health, such as robotic surgery or liquid biopsy, which identifies tumor cells. Additionally, technology has improved the accuracy and effectiveness of medical diagnoses. Advances in medical imaging and data analytics enable early disease detection and more personalized healthcare.

In addition, we have wearable health monitoring devices, such as smart watches and activity bracelets, that help us track our physical activity, heart rate and sleep quality, leading us to be more aware and maintain a healthier lifestyle. Our seniors have different ways to stay in touch in case of an emergency related to their health.

If the beginning of the 20th century was already a milestone in terms of the amount of technological advances in culture and entertainment, the 21st century has exceeded all expectations. Technology has taken entertainment to an unprecedented level. Streaming platforms, online video games and virtual reality offer us a wide range of options to enjoy our free time. Music, movies, books and games are instantly available on our devices, giving us convenient access to culture and entertainment.

Furthermore, technology has democratized the creation and dissemination of cultural content, making it more accessible to everyone. Social networks and online content platforms allow artists, writers and creators to share their work directly with the public, without intermediaries, reaching a larger audience than if they had to go through different filters beforehand.

Work world
Technology has significantly improved our working conditions as well as the productivity and variety of existing jobs. Jobs related to computing, technology and telecommunications have gained importance in recent years, being one of the sectors with the most employment and prospecting guarantees.

Furthermore, the use of digital tools and specialized software allows us to carry out tasks more efficiently and with greater precision. Automating repetitive processes frees up time and resources, allowing us to focus on more creative and strategic activities. Teleworking and collaborative platforms have made possible a greater balance between work and personal life, which contributes to a better quality of life in general.

Disadvantages about improving technology and quality of life

Like everything in this life, there are also disadvantages that can appear due to technological advances:

Social isolation: Excessive use of technology can lead to social isolation and decrease face-to-face interaction with others, which can affect our personal relationships. It is important to have appropriate and conscious use of technology while making it compatible with our daily lives and social relationships. Technology addiction problems are one of the challenges we face, which is why more and more people periodically carry out digital detox stages .
Privacy Issues: Technology can expose our personal data to risks of identity theft and privacy breaches if not properly protected. Furthermore, inappropriate and unconscious use, especially in minors, can expose us to unknown people.
Sedentary lifestyle and health problems: Prolonged use of electronic devices can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and related health problems, such as eye strain and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Digital divide: Not all people have equal access to technology, which can widen the digital divide and exclude some individuals from its benefits. Furthermore, the connection still does not reach some areas equally, either due to lack of economic resources or due to the location of those places, such as in mountain or inland areas where it is difficult to access.


In conclusion, technology has proven to be capable of transforming our lives, providing us with a series of benefits that significantly improve our quality of life. From the way we communicate to how we work, learn and entertain ourselves, technology has enriched every aspect of our daily existence.

However, it is important to recognize that along with technological advances, challenges also arise. Addiction and dependence on technology, the impact on our mental health, the digital footprint we leave and the digital divide are aspects that require careful attention and responsible use of technology.

To take full advantage of the advantages of technology and minimize its disadvantages, it is essential to adopt a conscious attitude about its use. Including technology responsibly in our lives will allow us to enjoy its benefits without putting our values, relationships and well-being at risk. By using the potential of new resources wisely, we are opening the door to a promising future, where our quality of life and technology continue to improve and evolve in harmony with technological advances.



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